Dizayn PPR clean water pipe and its additional parts are made of Polypropylene Random Copolymer raw material with low melt flow index and high flexibility. Polypropylene raw materials are obtained by polymerization of propylene monomers obtained with distiilation of oil under controlled temperature and pressure. Polypropylen raw materials are known as 3 separate types.
Type 1: Polypropylene Homopolymer (PP-H)
Type 2: Polypropylen Block Copolymer (PP-B)
Type 3: Polypropylen Random Copolymer (PP-R)
The most important feature distinguishing PPR from the others is that it can be used in hot water installations besides plumbing. It entered the market as a substitute şnstead of galvanized pipes and became a leading product in the market with the advantages it offered. The product has connecting elements called as fitting. Metal fittings are produced for the connection with the gear parts on the line. Socket source is used as merge method. Because the source capability of the product is high healthy welding can be performed with 1-2 hour training. The production manufactured with Ø20-125 mm range can be produced in various colours. The colour has no positive effect on the quality.
PPR pipes are produced in the group of machines called as extruder line. Their fittings are manufactured in the injection machines by shaping with molding. Although fittings have types called as electrofusion, they are high security and high cost products. Because quality in this level is not required, they are rarely preferred.
Resistant for 20 °C’de PN25 bar.
- Guaranteed 50 year life.
- Can be used at 95 °C.
- Can be welded easily.
- Can be upholstered in a short time.
- Wastage can be applied.
- Shows plumber low need of investment.
- Corrosion does not occur.
- Its diameter does not shrink with the reaction with minerals.
- It does not pollute drinking water with corrosion.
- It does not crack because of ice under 0°C.
- Can be upholstered easily in difficult positions thanks to its elastic structure.
- Because of weighing 1 in 8 of metal’s weight, it can be carried without tiring the workers.
- It offers more loading to means of transport and cost-saving.